‘Elizabeth is Missing’, by Emma Healey, is an intriguing
novel about 70-year-old Maude who is determined to find her friend Elizabeth,
as she is convince that something is wrong – even if no one trusts her memory.
The novel both is a mystery, told through Maude’s eyes, and
a thought-provoking commentary on dementia. The latter is demonstrated through
the first person narration with which we see the struggles Maude goes through
in her everyday life and in trying to figure out where Elizabeth is. After
reading, I felt I understood just how frustrating the lack of independence
could be, as well as the vulnerability that comes with this particular disease.
Personally, it provided a fascinating insight into the day to day difficulties
that comes with dementia, and the dismissive, sometimes outright cruel,
attitudes that are held towards the elderly. While this was not the primary
issue of the book, in my opinion, it transformed an average mystery novel into
a heart-breaking, enthralling tale, which forced me to reconsider my preconceived
notions about the elderly and the effects of dementia.
Furthermore, the most captivating element of the book was
undeniably the mystery of what happened to Elizabeth. Though I am not an avid
reader of the particular genre, I did enjoy trying to solve the enigma
alongside Maude. Interspersed with snippets of her memories from when she was a
child, each chapter contrasts the different stages of her life very well and
keeps you hooked. From the gripping unravelling of the mystery to the
resolution of the thriller, I was more than satisfied with how it was resolved.
An aspect that may not be as enjoyable to some is the first
person perspective. Though crucial to the story, it means the pace was quite
slow and the style was repetitive, because of the choice of narrator. I found
it added an interesting dynamic and helped to reflect the scattered state of
Maude’s mind very well.
Overall, I felt this novel was beautifully told and a good
mystery with a unique protagonist. Healey dealt with many troubling issues and
discussed it sensitively, leaving a great impression with the reader.
Very well written review. After reading the review really want to read the book to solve the mystery.